Checks all my boxes for skincare. Even the box is made from recycled paper! Eco-friendly for sure. The rollerball is AMAZING. The last rosehip I used had a dropped and always used way more than I needed. The rollerball makes application easy! + easily fits into my travel or gym bag + not going to spill everywhere if you knock it over! Great news if you are a Klutz like I am! For me rosehip is ALL about the eyes and face. I use it on all the 'aging areas' at night and in the morning I use it on my under eye to reduce any puffiness. I really loved the rollerball around my under eye area, and it made application to my lip line, and forehead super easy! No dragging of sensitive skin around my eyes. Read Less
any dry skin patches. My skin looks so glowy, radiant and fresh without looking oily like rosehip oil can tend to do if applied with a dropper. Read Less
nice massage to my skin that resulted in healthy, pinkish glow. Read Less
it under and around my eye area and the puffiness, dryness and fine lines are diminishing. I love the metal rollerball. It is very soothing for under the eyes. Read Less