
Spirulina (90 caplets)


    The World’s Healthiest Superfood in a bottle that promotes all-superior health boost. Spirulina contains the most remarkable concentration of functional nutrients ever known in any food, plant, grain or herb, and it is safe for all kinds of age.

    Why take it?

    There are several reasons why you need to take Royale Spirulina. Read on to know a few of them!

    • Its key nutrients will help you maintain good health, get ideal weight, prevent degenerative and chronic diseases and maximize longevity.
    • Royale Spirulina is also a good source of life energy and vitality. Once you include it in your diet, you will experience improvement in overall health and increase in energy.
    • Its omega fatty acid content will help you avoid heart disease, reduce osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, bad cholesterol and lower depression.
    • Its vitamin B12 will help you develop healthy nerve tissue and every cell in your body thus helping you avoid fibromyalgia and nerve damage.
    • Its beta carotene component, eventually converted into vitamin A, aids healthy bones, teeth, eyes, mucous membranes and improves immunity.
    • Royale Spirulina is rich in carotenoids, phytonutrients and antioxidants which are essential in detoxifying kidneys and liver and in protecting the brain.

    Its benefits

    Royale Spirulina provides various benefits including the following:

    • It increases antioxidant protection
    • Curbs appetite and support weight loss
    • Fights aging process and free radicals
    • Improves digestion process and aids health cardiovascular function
    • Controls the development of yeasts and pathogenic bacteria
    • Increases functionality of spleen cells, bone marrow and thymus
    • Improves skin, eczema, age spots, rashes and acne.
    • Enhances exercise performance

    Who should take it?

    The following should take advantage of Royale Spirulina:

    • Children with inadequate vegetable ingestion.
    • Teenagers who require extra nutrition during their rapid growing years.
    • Women who require balanced health during pregnancy.
    • Elderly who require various nutrients to sustain better health despite of limited food options.
    • People who are active in sports.
    • Individuals suffering from diseases who need proper nourishment for recovery.
    • People who rely on processed foods and opt for unhealthy meals.
    • Vegetarians

    Net Weight: 90 caplets per bottle (1000mg per capsule)


    Product Type: Supplements
    Ingredients: Vitamin AAntioxidant

    One capsule daily as prescribed by physician

    Vegetable Protein