
Infographic: 14 Surprising Insights into Makeup Routines

Want to know how your makeup routine compares to other women? Check out our infographic to unveil some surprising facts and hear what influential makeup artists have to say.

Infographic - Surprising Insights in Makeup Routines

Who influences your choices?

More than half of the makeup artists we spoke to believe they have a huge impact on the purchasing preferences of their followers. Only 10% think they have no influence at all. Nearly all of them went on to say they speak with friends and real-life connections before they decide which brands to work with. This makes them honest in their feedback, which they say is one of the key reasons why they stand out online.

Although it is easy to assume a makeup artist is influential because of their own physical features, in fact, being unique and interesting is deemed much more important. Since the makeup artists we spoke to all favor different sites for beauty products, this reinforces the idea that their followers are drawn to their individual style and preferences. If everyone does makeup differently, then, what are the similarities? We asked а few hundred regular women how they apply their makeup at home.

Morning makeup routine

An overwhelming majority of women we asked about their makeup routine say they use more than three beauty products each morning. To maintain a brimming stash of beauty products, they spend anything between $50-$250 on makeup every month. If you think this is a lot of money, you’re in the minority — very few of our survey takers spend less than $25.

However, the price of individual beauty products doesn’t affect the purchase: The majority of women only sometimes buy makeup because it’s in the sale. There’s an even split between those who never buy in the sale and those who always do, but both camps are small in number.

Eye makeup

An enormous majority, 77% of women emphasize their eyes the most using makeup. In comparison, only 5% emphasize their cheeks. This explains why more than 28% of women say they can’t live without mascara and a further 28% say eyeliner. It might surprise you to learn that only 14% say lipstick.


Foundation also comes out top as a popular beauty product: 30% of women surveyed say they can’t live without it.

Buying habits

Although women are predominantly focused on eye makeup, only 10% say they stick with tried-and-true beauty products. Almost 60% said they like to try new things and 21% are keen to keep up with latest trends. For these women, influencers play an important part in their decision-making process. Certainly, the origin of beauty products does not have a great deal of bearing on the decision to purchase:

  • So long as they are satisfied with the product, women don’t mind if the product is local or imported.
  • Only 13% buy products they are 100% certain have not been tested on animals.

Makeup in wider society

More than half the women we spoke to do their own makeup, rather than hire a professional, and almost eight out of ten women wear makeup to a social event. It seems most of us like to experiment with makeup when we go out and only 10% of women say they’ve had an argument with their partner or close friend who tell them they look better without it.One thing women are clear on is that lip balm should never be shared: most say they never share and almost everyone else says they rarely do. What do you think?

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