The doctors at Lycopene Skin Care™, in collaboration with one of Italy’s leading Universities for anti-aging research, have developed an entire line of skincare products incorporating a proprietary formulation of Aquose Micro-Dispersed Lycopene together with other botanicals known throughout the ages for their beneficial properties in promoting skin health, into a complex entirely new to the skin care industry. The foundation of this complex is a concentrated, pure, and highly absorbable form of lycopene extracted from Italian organic tomatoes. This purified form of lycopene, freed from residual tomato by-products, is un-paralleled in combating the damaging effects from the constant exposure to environmental pollutants and the sun’s UVA and UVB rays known to accelerate the skin’s normal aging process. Our complex rich products hydrate, renew, rejuvenate and protect your skin while addressing multiple skin imperfections like un-even red blotchy skin, dark/age spots, under-eye puffiness and wrinkles. The Aquose Micro-Dispersed Lycopene Complex in all of our products brightens dull aging skin giving it a healthy youthful glow and is safe and effective for all ethnic skin types including African-American, Latino, and Asian skin.
We provide skincare products using only the highest quality and effective natural ingredients to give your skin the ageless beauty you have always wanted.