On January 4, 2017, our son Harry arrived early. Our perfect world was turned upside down our son, had a TE-fistula (Tracheoesophageal atresia & fistula). That means Harry’s esophagus was attached to his windpipe & not his stomach. Our little nugget needed surgery & all I was thinking was "it’s not supposed to be like this". We needed a superhero to fix our son; Dr. K. Bergman was our superhero! Over the course of the next few months, we were on a roller coaster ride with lots of terrifying & amazing moments. The NICU is an incredibly special place, the doctors & nurses are what make things different than any other place in a hospital. The staff was always juggling a lot of babies, but always took the time to hear our concerns. Most NICU parents are like a deer in headlights, and we were no different. However, we received a lot of comfort in knowing who was taking care of our son. After lots of love & therapy, Harry can now enjoy food without issues. He is our miracle & we love watching him grow & see his personality develop. He is a character & we are blessed to be his parents. My job as a mom is challenging & rewarding. As a first-time mom it was easy to get overwhelmed with all the baby gadgets that claimed to make life easier with a newborn. After some trial & error, I found gadgets that made a difference for me. I began packaging these items up as gifts for family & friends. I incorporated making body butters & sugar scrubs into my custom gifts to allow people to escape from the world with some yummy smelling products. This is my story as a mom & the inspiration behind "Harry's Mama's Faves". It is my hope to create goods that reflect the love I have for my family.