otocol among colon rectal doctors is the same across the board...take a certain kind of fiber, avoid certain foods, and stay clean, but not "too clean", as this may irritate the condition. I followed all of the above with no results. I was also diagnosed with IBS-D and was suffering from chronic diarrhea. I made a few changes to my diet and the diarrhea was gone. But I still had the PA, so I knew it wasn't from the diarrhea and was systemic in nature, probably a fungus. So, after consulting with an M.D. in the area who treats candida albicans, she suggested that I try the suppositories. All I have to say is "WOW". My itching started to fade the next day and by 3-4 days, it was gone. I am following the candida diet, so that is probably helping. I Also, I have been experiencing "die off"...headaches and fatigue. I immediately started passing parasites. I still have the occasional itch, but will finish the course. Also, and this is huge..my IBS symptoms are gone, but I will still be continuing to take my probiotics. My stools have also returned to normal. No more messy stools. Read Less